Samsung's upcoming Exynos 2400 chip has been tested on Geekbench 6, scoring 2,067 in single-core and 6,520 in multi-core. For context, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2-powered Galaxy S23 Ultra scored 1,979 and 5,148, respectively on the same tests. That's an improvement of roughly 5% on single threaded performance and 22% on multi-threaded performance. The processor's prime core (likely a Cortex-X4) is rated at up to 3.21GHz - that's lower than the Snapdragon 8 gen 2 for Galaxy's Cortex-X3's 3.36GHz peak clock speed. The Exynos 2400 on Geekbench, source: Ice Universe Rumor has it only...
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